Archive | June, 2013

Food Finds: Butter Tart Yogurt

26 Jun

So Astro has two limited edition ‘Canadian’ flavours of yogurt available for Canada Day: maple and butter tart.

I spotted them at the grocery store yesterday and couldn’t resist testing out the butter tart flavour. It’s butter tart – how could it be bad????

Well, I can confirm that it was indeed pretty darned tasty. Sweet with a nice caramel flavour it tasted more like dessert than something vaguely healthy. Definitely worth a try!

On the downside, it just made me want to eat a real butter tart. Preferably from Three Tarts (on Wellington West). If you haven’t tried theirs, you haven’t yet lived.

Bacon Avec Bacon’s First Anniversary

26 Jun

Well it’s been one year since I started this blogging journey.

I haven’t posted as much as I had planned to, and there were many recipes that were attempted but never made the cut (for various reasons) but overall, I’m happy with where I’m at. I hope you’ve enjoyed what I’ve posted so far and I look forward to sharing another year’s worth of recipes with you!

As a recap, the five most popular recipes of the past year have been: | Cheesy Taco Pasta

  1. Cheesy Taco Pasta
  2. Salsa Fresca
  3. Smores Pudding Cups
  4. Pork Wrapped Pork
  5. Easy Baked Cannelloni

Can’t say I’m really surprised as these are all favourites in our house too.

Thanks everyone!