Tag Archives: food trucks

Food Truck Politics on the CBC

25 Jun

Yes, I’m a big nerd and I listen to CBC Radio. In fact, I listen to The Current every day on my way into work.

Today they had a great segment about food truck politics. You should really check it out if you get a chance – listen here. The long and the short of it is that the established food culture (restaurants, restaurant associations, governments etc.) are scared that if food trucks are unleashed on Canadian cities that mayhem will ensue and that nobody will ever go to a restaurant again. Ever.

OK, maybe I’m being a bit dramatic, but I certainly don’t think a handful of well-regulated food trucks will mean a major syphoning of restaurant patrons. Some people want to sit while they eat in climate controlled comfort and that won’t ever change. Just pass a bylaw that says you can’t park within 50 feet of a restaurant and call it a day.

What do you think about food trucks? What kind of laws would you like to see around them? Would you be game to see more in your town?

Neato graphics thanks to MeanRedProductions. And yes, there is a real Big Gay ice cream truck in NYC.

Who knew Ottawa had a food truck scene?

17 Jun

Call me surprised too. I thought all Ottawa had to offer was chip trucks… Nothing like the awesome rolling purveyors of tastyness that you always see on the Food Network or that you see in other (perhaps more progressive) cities like Calgary (shout out to Perogy Boys).

But there is hope! A new generation of foodies are jumping on the food truck bandwagon and as luck would have it, a very tasty one frequents the neighborhood I work in: The Merry Dairy – a frozen custard truck!


Yes, it even has ‘ice cream’ truck music. And WiFi – score! (Courtesy of The Merry Dairy.)

The Merry Dairy is the brainchild of Marlene Haley. For those of you who’ve never had frozen custard, it’s a little firmer than Dairy Queen soft serve but much, much creamier and smoother thanks to the addition of eggs. Marlene keeps it simple – just vanilla and chocolate for now, with chocolate, strawberry or caramel sauce and chocolate or rainbow sprinkles. It doesn’t need anything more.

Find out where Marlene will show up next on The Merry Derry website.


This is getting a bit melty but still so tasty. What can I say, it’s been HOT here!

(For a full list of local trucks, check out this great list from Kathy Eats).