Tag Archives: Costco

Taste Test: Carnation Simply Hot Chocolate

28 Oct

Unlike most people, I don’t start my day with coffee or tea. I do however enjoy a nice hot chocolate, especially now that the weather is turning cooler.

Obviously, the best way to make hot chocolate is with steamed milk and a hunk of good quality chocolate, however I am not a barrista and that sounds like too much work. The other alternative is instant hot chocolate which usually contains weird oil type substances and other unpronounceable ingredients… Well, at least it used to!

Enter Carnation Simply Hot Chocolate. It’s only available in a giant vat from Costco (70+ servings) but man, is it EVER good. So rich and smooth with no chemical or oily flavours because there isn’t any: it only contains sugar, cocoa, dried milk, vanilla and salt. The only thing that could improve it is a dollop of whipped cream. Or maybe a shot of Bailey’s. Oh yeah.


Foodie News: The Aporkalypse is Coming!!!!

26 Sep

The National Pig Association in Britain is warning of a global shortage of bacon and other delicious pork products. This is due to the drought in the US and Canada that has caused the cost of feed to skyrocket. Yes, the aporkalypse is coming!!!!!

So what should you do as a concerned citizen to prepare? Well, you have a few options:

  • Go to Costco and pull a Ron Swanson and say, “Give me all of the bacon you have. No, I don’t think you understand me… ALL of the bacon!”
  • Buy a few pigs and start keeping them in your backyard. Those who live in townhouses or suburban subdivisions might want to consider getting micropigs. (Just like Honey Boo Boo!)
  • Slowly wean yourself off of bacon pork and substitute beef bacon. Yes, I know this is drastic, but desperate times require desperate measures. That being said, NEVER resort to chicken or turkey bacon.
  • Order a few BLT’s from Tony’s in Birch Run, Michigan. There’s enough bacon in them (a full pound per sandwich) that you’d have your fill of bacon for at least a month.

Let’s hope this terrible situation is over soon. In the meantime, enjoy your bacon.